Appointments information

Click on the banner above to get medical help or request both urgent or routine appointments. When you contact us, we’ll ask what you need help with.

We will use the information you provide to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse, or health professional to assist you. Once you have submitted your request, you will be contacted if the clinicians believe an appointment is necessary.

For urgent and routine appointments

The surgery operates an appointment system. Patients have the right to request an appointment with a specific clinician. However, experience has shown that if you wish to speak with or see a specific clinician, this may involve a delay.

Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm

We also provide home visits when necessary.

Extended Hours Appointments

 Extended hours appointments are now available at Tudor Surgery on:

  • Monday Evenings

  • 2x Saturday mornings each month

Please ask at reception for more details.

GP Hub Appointments

South Cheshire and Vale Royal GPs are now offering extended hours appointments at selected practices, known as GP Hubs. These appointments are available to any registered patients from any practice within the boundaries of South Cheshire and Vale Royal. Please ask your practice receptionist, who can book you an appointment.

Cancelling or changing an appointment

If you are unable to attend your appointment you can contact us via telephone on 01270 442133 or via PATCHs by clicking here (Please select administrative request and then cancellation of an appointment). This allows us to use the slot for other patients.